Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I love my major.
Reasons why:

1. Cutting out pictures from magazines for a semester notebook.
2. Going to the mall to take pictures of signage
3. Learning to sew
4. Talking to the girls in my classes about fashion 3 days a week..
5. .... i'll figure this one out later.

But seriously! It's so fun and i learn something new everyday!

Let's not talk about how i got an email yesterday telling me i made the honor roll for the first time ever!!! ...... mama is proud.

i do love coffee...but this is just a little crazy..

i love these fabric covered hoops!
i stole the idea last year and made some for my room.
i wish i had a whole wall of them!

I also made some bunting!
Probably my favorite thing in my room currently.
I want to make more.

Matthew and Sarah are in Vancouver!
on their honeymoon.

Two of my all-time favorite humans.

And looks like i'm adding vancouver to my "To Visit" list...

I'm going home in a few weeks to have a birthday celebration for myself and my mom (whose birthday is tomorrow!) and i cant wait to be with everyone! So excited!